1 января 2025, среда, 4:45
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Хартия 97!

Совет Европы придерживается 12 предложений Евросоюза в развитии отношений с Беларусью


Совет Европы разделяет позицию Европейского Союза по выполнении Беларусью 12 условий, необходимых для развития двусторонних отношений, заявил журналистам в Минске докладчик ПАСЕ по ситуации в Беларуси, заместитель председателя Ассамблеи Андреа Ригони. "Целью нашего визита является изучение того, как выполняется программа по выполнению 12 пунктов Европейского Союза. В этом смысле мы выразили свое мнение, мнение Совета Европы", - отметил А.Ригони.

Комментарии 3
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richard, 15:04, 17.10


You might witness the authorities of Belarus accepting the 12 EU proposals or a union with Russia if they see the economy of the country is in jeopardy.


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nik, 1:41, 18.10

2richard, 15:04, 17.10

I do not believe it would be the case. Authority interest resides at different layer than the ordinary people one. No matter what authority says. It is matter of what they DO. Latest USSR history indicates that authority approaches the line where they will rather sell Byelorussian property, steal raised fund and get disappeared in nowhere. That is really sad. But that is also a reality which is opposite to official propaganda.

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richard, 16:19, 18.10


As an outsider I agree, the majority layer of people are far removed from their government. Especially when each must dwell daily on how to provide themselves with the simplest comforts of living.
From what I read the political contenders within Belarus are the youth, a sprinking of educated adults and the seated government. Unfortunately it appears the senior majority of the population, those over 40, are not contenders only semi onlookers and for good reason. Their part of society has lived longer under communism than democracy and that unfortunately taught them well how to live with hardship, without confrontation.
I believe not untill a poor economy brings on empty bellies will you see this government in any jeopardy.
Unfortunately every government has within it some form of corruption and some have far more than others.


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